8 Most Effective Email Templates for Chasing Payment

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Small or large, all types of businesses rely on the cash flow of incoming and outgoing payments. A business with a modest turnaround can grow quickly and maintain a healthy balance for stressful financial situations.

But what if you have late payments or overdue invoices? In such cases, your business would be adversely affected. That is why it makes sense when a small business owner gets worried about the cash-flow issues caused by late payments.

Thus it is important for business owners to run behind their clients chasing payment that is due. We guess you too, spend lots of time requesting payment. So, without any further ado, let’s find out the email templates to send professional payment reminders.


You can use the invoice tracking feature from InvoiceOwl to track and chase payments (we have a ), but you can just as easily do it manually by using the templates provided below. The ultimate goal here is helping you get paid—the way you choose to do it is completely your decision

Professional Payment Reminder Email Templates

Professional payment reminder email templates

Here are the most effective professional email samples that help you get paid on time and help you maintain accuracy throughout the invoicing collection process. This chasing payment email sample will help your client get a clear reminder of the actual amount, name, due date, and the possibility of late payment charges in case they don’t pay immediately.

Pro Tip

If you are tired of sending out reminder emails and asking for payments, then switch to InvoiceOwl invoicing software. We enable invoice tracking for you where you can even see if the client has opened your invoice! Doesn’t that make your life easy?

Before the invoice due date

If the invoice is approaching its due date, reminding the customer of the invoice is far better than waiting for it to cross the due date and then chase the payment. Reminding the customers of the upcoming due date is a great way to get the payment without facing cash flow issues.

Invoice Collection Email Template (Before 2 days of the due date)


Hello {Client Name},

We hope you are doing fine. This is just a humble reminder that the invoice {Invoice ID} we had sent you on {invoice date} is about to be overdue in 2 days (i.e. on {due date}). Kindly ensure you make the payment before the due date to avoid any late payment fees.

If you have any questions regarding the invoice, feel free to contact us. We’d be more than happy to help you out.

Thank you!

{Your Company’s Name}

Just after the invoice is overdue

Notifying the customer about an overdue invoice should be done one the next day of the due date itself. This shows that you are tracking the payments and are aware that the invoice has not been paid. Also it helps you to show that the client was made aware of the overdue invoice if you choose to take legal action against the customer.

However, the customer also might have a genuine reason and therefore, you need to be polite when you chase the payment on the next day of the due date.

Payment Reminder Email Template (The next day of the due date)


Hi {Client Name},

I hope you are doing well. This is just to remind you that payment on {Invoice Reference Number}, which we sent you on {Date}, has passed the due date.

I am sure you must be busy, but I would appreciate it if you look over the invoice once again when you get the chance. Please contact me if you have any queries/questions.

Thank you!

{Your Name}

After long overdue invoices

If you have an overdue invoice for longer than a month, now is the time to take it seriously. You need to remind the customer of the unpaid invoice. There might be a case where they have paid it, but for whatever reasons you missed it. Thus, giving them the benefit of doubt, here is how you can remind them of the overdue invoice.

Overdue Invoice Email Template (30 days after the due date)


Hi {Client Name},

As per our records, we have not received the payment of {Amount} for {Invoice Reference Number}, which is overdue by 30 days. We would appreciate it if you could make a payment on an urgent basis to avoid late payment charges.

If you have already sent a payment, please disregard this email notice. And if you have lost the invoice, please let me know, we will arrange a new copy for you.

Thank You,

{Your Name}

Chasing Payment Email Template (60 days after the due date)


Hi {Your Client Name},

This is the last reminder for the payment due on your {Invoice Reference Number}, the total amount of {Amount}, which we sent on {Date}, is due for the last 60 days. You can make payment using your preferred payment method indicated (i.e. credit cards – credit card charges may apply) in your business invoice as soon as possible to avoid any legal actions.

If you have any questions, you can contact me, I’d be happy to help you out.


{Your Name}

Late Payment Reminder Letter Template (90 days after the due date)


Hello {Your Client Name},

This is to remind you of the payment due on your {Invoice ID}, the total amount of {Amount}, which was issued on {Date}, is due for the last 60 days. Kindly make payment using any available payment method of your convenience (i.e.{your preferred payment gateways}) in your invoice as soon as possible.

If you have any queries, you can contact us. We’d be happy to help you out.


{Your Company’s Name}

Late Payment Reminder Letter Template (91 days after the due date)


Hi {Your Client Name},

We regret to inform you that you were failed to pay the invoice ({Invoice ID}) issued on {invoice date} for an amount of {invoice amount} within the due date, which was {due date}.

As per the agreement, you are liable to pay the late payment fees of {late payment fee percentage}% of the invoice amount {invoice amount}. This means you are now obliged to pay {total amount + late payment fees} in total.

We have attached the invoice herewith mentioning the late payment fees and all the payment instructions.


{Your Company Name}

Late Payment Notice Template (98 days after the due date)


Hi {Your Client Name},

YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT you have failed to pay the invoice in a timely manner for the services/products you bought from our organization. Continued failure to pay the invoice shall oblige us to pursue legal action.

This is to urge you to contact the customer support service immediately and to pay the due payment or ask for guidance for payment instructions.

If you still fail to pay the invoice, the next communication will include a 3-day notice to pay the invoice, failing to act on which will initiate immediate legal action against you.

Kindly reach us immediately to resolve this issue.


{Your Company Name}

Notice before legal action

If the customer has not paid you even after all the reminders and follow-ups, it’s the time you need to send a notice that this is the last chance to pay the invoice or you can take the matter to the court.

THREE DAY NOTICE TO PAY Template (105 days after the due date)


TO: ________________________________________________, and to all other persons and occupants in possession:

YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the invoice is now due and payable for the services/products bought by you, being the invoice ID _____, for the amount of _____, issued on _________].

Your account is delinquent in the amount of $_____________.

YOU ARE HEREBY required to pay said amount in full within three (3) days or legal proceedings will be instituted against you to recover the payment, and to recover damages together with court costs and attorney’s fees.

AS REQUIRED by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your credit history may be submitted to a credit reporting agency if you fail to fulfill the terms of your credit obligations.

PAYMENTS must be made to the organization at the following address:

{Your Company address}

The contact number for the above-mentioned organization is {phone # of Mgr.’s office}.


{Your Company’s Name}


Stop Chasing Payments

Let InvoiceOwl remind your clients of the due invoices automatically!

Points To Check Before Requesting Payment

As a business owner, you should avoid invoicing mistakes at all costs to get paid timely. It damages the reputation of your brand and is not good for the business client relationship as well.

So, let’s have a look at those points one by one.

When to Do What to Do
2 days prior Send an initial email with just a reminder
1 day overdue Send a friendly reminder
1 week overdue Contact over a phone call and resend the original invoice
2 weeks overdue Warn about interest charge on the overdue payment and cutting of future work
3 months overdue Warn about interest charge on the overdue payment
3 months & 1-week overdue Research collection agencies and hire a reputable collection agency
3 months & 2 weeks past Send a legal notice
3 months 3 weeks past Take it to claims court

Useful Extra Reading

Most of the time, the reason behind late payments is invoice mistakes. So, here are some of the most common invoicing mistakes that you should stay away from to avoid late payments.

How to Prevent Late Payments in the Future?

Mostly, small businesses receive payments on time for the invoice without sending any payment reminders or court proceedings.

Yes, it is easier to prevent late payment for unpaid invoices by simply talking over the phone, and sometimes you can handle a client by the means of email.

It completely depends on how you and your customer deal in a regular way. So, it is up to you to set up mutual understanding with your client. For regular late-paying customers, you need to plan in advance.

If possible try to clear payment terms before starting the new project work.

Following the above-mentioned ways, you may get relief from chasing payment in the future. Moreover, it will give you the freedom to turn late payers into on-time paying customers.

Frequently Asked Questions
  1. How do you politely ask for payment?When asking for overdue payments, send a polite invoice reminder with an initial email. While doing so, you should be friendly and consider the client’s situation. Feel free to talk over a friendly phone call. When the client pays the amount and you receive payment in your bank account, send a thank you note and kind regards.

  2. How should you follow up overdue invoices?When email reminders fail to help you clear your overdue invoices, charge late payment penalties for debt recovery costs, look for a debt collection agency to hire. And even if that doesn’t work, take legal action by approaching the court and filing a civil lawsuit.

  3. What does chasing the payment mean?Chasing the payment means you are requesting the payment the client missed. Business owners usually have follow-ups with clients to receive payments. New clients may ignore paying for the customer invoices due to various reasons. And simultaneously, many businesses have to face a lot of financial issues.

Automate Chasing Payments

Schedule personalized payment reminder emails for your clients automatically.


When you are running behind a payment, you must look after your client’s situation too. Because upsetting a client would be the last thing you would want.

Therefore, it is better to ask for payment via professionally-written emails. By doing so, you will have a high chance of getting paid on time. We learned about things to take care of before sending payment reminders and the effective email templates for following the overdue invoice.

We hope you would practice these invoicing tips and not only get paid on time but, create goodwill with your clients. In case you want to get paid even faster, !

Author Bio
Jeel Patel
Jeel Patel

Jeel Patel is the founder of InvoiceOwl, a top-rated estimating and invoicing software that simplifies the invoicing and estimating processes for contractor businesses. Jeel holds a degree in Business Administration and Management from the University of Toronto, which has provided him with a strong foundation in business principles and practices. With understanding of the challenges faced by contractors, he conducted extensive research and developed a tool to streamline the invoicing and estimating processes for contractors. Read More

